[[newbie warning]]
My contacts database has field for first letter of named contacts -- so there are many duplicates when sql = "SELECT lettername FROM contacts ORDER BY lettername" ((yes I know that I could do "SELECT DISTINCT lettername FROM contacts ORDER BY lettername" and in fact when I do the "SLECT DISTINCT..." way there are no duplicates and the result is as needed - but that would not help me learn to solve this ;-) )
My .html looks like:
<tr><td valign=bottom> [blk2.lettername;block=td;ondata=f_distinct_blk2]
My .php looks like:
function f_distinct_blk2($BlockName,&$CurrRec,$RecNum) {
// this iten is diff from previous - so keep it
if( $CurrRec['lettername'] != $CurrRec[($RecNum-1)]) {
// this one is not different - so get rid of it
The results are like (see duplicates):
(C) (C) (G) (G) (G) (G) (H) (H) (H) (S) (W) (W)
Obviously - from the results - I am not succeeding to compare the current val to the previous val. But I have no understanding of a way to do it otherwise.
Any help to learn what I am missing - or failing to comprehend - would be greatly apprecialed.
[[Thanks for TBS]]