By: Eliseu
Date: 2005-07-20
Time: 03:21
Condition Question.
So, i want to switch a result from my DB(MySql):
if the field is 0 then show "Teacher"
if the field is 1 then show "Mechanic" and so on..
When I tried to MergeBlock, all i can get is the number, not the word!
I dont understand the TBS conditions.
So, if someone could help me i would apreciate.. Tnx
By: RwD
Date: 2005-07-20
Time: 16:58
Re: Condition Question.
You can also use the database to do this. It seems like data that should be in the db anyway. Then just join the functions table with the rest of the results....
So you'll have a table in the db with id, name combinations...