By: Michaelsen
Date: 2005-07-12
Time: 16:51
Alternate Row Colors
Hello there,
I started using TBS yesterday and I really really got stuck on how to alternate row colors when displaying results from the database.
I'm convinced now I don't know what I'm doing when trying to figure out how to alternate row colors using TBS.
I appreciate any help on a working example, please.
- Michaelsen
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-07-12
Time: 17:21
Re: Alternate Row Colors
They are example provided in the Example Set. Online or with the zip file.
It's quite simple: when they are several normal block's definitions then they make several alternated sections.
<tr>...[bx;block=tr]...Color1 </tr>
<tr>...[bx;block=tr]...Color2 </tr>
By: Michaelsen
Date: 2005-07-12
Time: 18:35
Re: Alternate Row Colors
Yes, now I noticed.
Very impressive method by the way.
Thank you Skrol29!
- Michaelsen
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-07-12
Time: 18:43
Re: Alternate Row Colors
This method solves 2 major problems about alternated sections:
- it makes the alternation WYSIWYG in the template,
- it allows you to have complex alternated presentation
(something different from a single value which changes each couple of value).
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