By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 16:49
What's wrong with this MySQL
I'm trying to pull data out of the MySQL database where the username matches.
SELECT ad.upload
, ad.value AS 'Address'
, cy.value AS 'City'
, st.value AS 'State'
, ap.value AS 'Asking Price'
, ty.value AS 'Type'
, ph.value AS 'Contact Phone'
, bdrms.value AS 'Bedrooms'
, bath.value AS 'Bathrooms'
, sqf.value AS 'Square Footage'
, usn.value AS 'Username'
FROM ezu_uploadinfos AS ad
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS cy ON (ad.upload=cy.upload) AND ('City')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS st ON (ad.upload=st.upload) AND ('State')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ap ON (ad.upload=ap.upload) AND ('Asking Price')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ty ON (ad.upload=ty.upload) AND ('Type')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ph ON (ad.upload=ph.upload) AND ('Contact Phone')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bdrms ON (ad.upload=bdrms.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bath ON (ad.upload=bath.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS sqf ON (ad.upload=sqf.upload) AND ('Square Footage')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS usn ON (ad.upload=usn.upload) AND ('Username')
WHERE ('Address') AND ('Username')
What is happening, no matter what I login as, I'm pulling data that shouldn't be pulled.
I basically want to say, WHERE username='$username'
But it's not happeing.
By: Anonymous
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 20:07
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Tried this too with no luck.
SELECT usn.upload
, ad.value AS 'Address'
, cy.value AS 'City'
, st.value AS 'State'
, ap.value AS 'Asking Price'
, ty.value AS 'Type'
, ph.value AS 'Contact Phone'
, bdrms.value AS 'Bedrooms'
, bath.value AS 'Bathrooms'
, sqf.value AS 'Square Footage'
, usn.value AS 'Username'
FROM ezu_uploadinfos AS usn
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS cy ON (usn.upload=cy.upload) AND ('City')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS st ON (usn.upload=st.upload) AND ('State')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ap ON (usn.upload=ap.upload) AND ('Asking Price')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ty ON (usn.upload=ty.upload) AND ('Type')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ph ON (usn.upload=ph.upload) AND ('Contact Phone')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bdrms ON (usn.upload=bdrms.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bath ON (usn.upload=bath.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ad ON (usn.upload=ad.upload) AND ('Address')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS sqf ON (usn.upload=sqf.upload) AND ('Square Footage')
WHERE usn.upload='testing'
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 20:46
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
It probably should be
WHERE (usn.value='TheUserILookFor')
Just a remark: in your SQL, user info are linked to the Address item (record). This assumes that all user info has an Address item. But I guess the item that all user must have is UserName. So user info should be linked to the UserName item. (swap 'ad' and 'usn')
By: Anonymous
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 21:14
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Thanks. Let me try that.
By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 21:31
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Thanks buddy. I think that did it, now I can move forward, until the next problem with my novice skills. Smile.
By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-26
Time: 01:01
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Worked perfectly. A few more projects with TBS and I might become an intermediate user. Smile.
TBS is by far the easiest and IMHO the best template engine.
By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-26
Time: 02:51
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
How would I join a second table to this table.
For instance I have a table where images are stored. The table is ezu_uploads and I have the following columns id, upload, name, type, size. The upload column is the same in each table, both the ezu_uploadinfos and the ezu_files table.
How would I join the two together? Thanks.
By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-26
Time: 05:50
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Still can't get this. Here's my image table that I need to also join and get data from.
table name = ezu_files
colums = id, upload, name
upload is common between the two tables. I need to get the name of the file.
SELECT usn.upload
, ad.value AS 'Address'
, cy.value AS 'City'
, st.value AS 'State'
, ap.value AS 'Asking Price'
, ty.value AS 'Type'
, ph.value AS 'Contact Phone'
, bdrms.value AS 'Bedrooms'
, bath.value AS 'Bathrooms'
, sqf.value AS 'Square Footage'
, fn.value AS 'First Name'
, ln.value AS 'Last Name'
FROM ezu_uploadinfos AS ad
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS cy ON (usn.upload=cy.upload) AND ('City')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS st ON (usn.upload=st.upload) AND ('State')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ap ON (usn.upload=ap.upload) AND ('Asking Price')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ty ON (usn.upload=ty.upload) AND ('Type')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ph ON (usn.upload=ph.upload) AND ('Contact Phone')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bdrms ON (usn.upload=bdrms.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bath ON (usn.upload=bath.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS sqf ON (usn.upload=sqf.upload) AND ('Square Footage')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS usn ON (usn.upload=ad.upload) AND ('Address')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS fn ON (usn.upload=fn.upload) AND ('First Name')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ln ON (usn.upload=ln.upload) AND ('Last Name')
LEFT JOIN ezu_files AS uf ON (usn.upload=uf.upload)
LEFT JOIN ezu_files AS ff ON (
WHERE (usn.value='sb@loginemailaddress')
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 14:33
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
In which column is stored the file name?
Don't you have any "value" field in the "ezu_files" table?
By: Anonymous
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 15:36
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
In the ezu_files table I have the following columns
name is where the name of the file is stored. the column upload is common between table ezu_files and ezu_uploadinfos. In the upload column, for instance if two images are uploaded, both tables will place a number for each image uploaded.
By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 15:40
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
I tried the following code, but it doesn't display the images, and shows NULL. Also doesn't appear that all images would show.
Still trying to get it.
SELECT usn.upload
, ad.value AS 'Address'
, cy.value AS 'City'
, st.value AS 'State'
, ap.value AS 'Asking Price'
, ty.value AS 'Type'
, ph.value AS 'Contact Phone'
, bdrms.value AS 'Bedrooms'
, bath.value AS 'Bathrooms'
, sqf.value AS 'Square Footage'
, fn.value AS 'First Name'
, ln.value AS 'Last Name'
, AS 'Image'
FROM ezu_uploadinfos AS ad
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS cy ON (usn.upload=cy.upload) AND ('City')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS st ON (usn.upload=st.upload) AND ('State')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ap ON (usn.upload=ap.upload) AND ('Asking Price')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ty ON (usn.upload=ty.upload) AND ('Type')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ph ON (usn.upload=ph.upload) AND ('Contact Phone')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bdrms ON (usn.upload=bdrms.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS bath ON (usn.upload=bath.upload) AND ('Bedrooms')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS sqf ON (usn.upload=sqf.upload) AND ('Square Footage')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS usn ON (usn.upload=ad.upload) AND ('Address')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS fn ON (usn.upload=fn.upload) AND ('First Name')
LEFT JOIN ezu_uploadinfos AS ln ON (usn.upload=ln.upload) AND ('Last Name')
LEFT JOIN ezu_files AS nm ON ( AND ('Image')
WHERE (usn.value='')
By: Shawn
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 15:44
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Just tried the following code and it gets close, but I would like to be able to do all this in one state:
select ezu_uploadinfos.*, ezu_files.* from ezu_uploadinfos, ezu_files
where ezu_uploadinfos.upload=ezu_files.upload
and ezu_uploadinfos.value = ''
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 16:50
Re: What's wrong with this MySQL
Just change
LEFT JOIN ezu_files AS nm ON ( AND ('Image') |
LEFT JOIN ezu_files AS nm ON (usn.upload=nm.upload) |'Image'
is not necessary since filed 'Name" is never equal to "Image", but stores the image's file name.
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