By: Markus
Date: 2017-03-23
Time: 12:07
Replace content in different tables on one slide
I tried to replace the content in different tables on one slide:
|------------------| |------------------|
| table header 1 | | table header 2 |
|------------------| |------------------|
| value 1 | | value 2 |
|------------------| |------------------|
| table header 3 |
| value 3 |
I was only able to replace one field (e.g. value 1), so I would be very grateful, if someone can give me an example for this situation.
Thank you in advance.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2017-03-25
Time: 23:41
Re: Replace content in different tables on one slide
Hi Markus,
Can you tell what TBS tags you've used in the template for your purpose ?
By: Markus
Date: 2017-03-27
Time: 06:20
Re: Replace content in different tables on one slide
I've tried it via MergeBlock and [blk.x] but this does not work.
Switching off the language proofing for this string, solved this error.
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