By: Anthony
Date: 2015-04-30
Time: 17:45
Display First Record Before Merge Block
Is there a way to display a record from a block syntax in the html template before the actual block syntax appears? I want to display a value from a field in the first record retrieved from DB before the actual records are outputted in the block syntax. For example:
<div>[blk.val; block=div]
By: Skrol29
Date: 2015-05-01
Time: 23:15
Re: Display First Record Before Merge Block
This may work, try it :
<div>[blk2.val; block=div]
$TBS->MergBlock('blk1,blk2', $my_connexion, $sql);
It can work because 'blk1,blk2' merges the 2 blokcs with the same data, and block 'blk1' has no block definition so it will merge only the first record.
By: Anthony
Date: 2015-05-04
Time: 20:02
Re: Display First Record Before Merge Block
Thanks! That worked.
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