By: Alex
Date: 2013-10-22
Time: 09:29
Choose which table to display based on a php variable
with the following tag
[nettosino;magnet=tbs:table;ope=mok:no;noerr] -> for table 1
[nettosino;magnet=tbs:table;ope=mok:si;noerr] -> for table 2
inserted into the first cell (that is empty) of each table
but it doesn't work.
How can I do it?
Thank you
By: Skrol29
Date: 2013-10-22
Time: 15:58
Re: Choose which table to display based on a php variable
What do you mean by "it doesn't work" ?
Di you tried to disengage parameter "magnet" in order to check that the values are as expected ?
By: Alex
Date: 2013-10-23
Time: 09:41
Re: Choose which table to display based on a php variable
Hi Skrol,
by "it doesn't work" i mean (sorry for not being clear) that:
if nettosino = "no" it shows table 1
if nettosino = "si" it doesn't show any table
I've tried to remove "magnet=tbs:table"
nettosino = "no" it shows only table 1
nettosino = "si" it shows only table 1
Thank you
By: Skrol29
Date: 2013-10-23
Time: 14:28
Re: Choose which table to display based on a php variable
Si the problem is on table 2 which is always deleted.
You should first try to delete the TBS tag in order to check that there is no other TBS field or nothing else to remove that table.
Then try to cut, and then and past without formating.
This can prevent from inner XML added by Ms Word that can split the TBS tag in an invisible manner.
By: Alex
Date: 2013-10-31
Time: 17:03
Re: Choose which table to display based on a php variable
into both tables there are two tags that perform a loop: [d.durata;block=tbs:row]
They are the same in both table and I think this could be a problem..
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