By: Unni R
Date: 2012-03-28
Time: 11:26
Make a combo box based on continent selected
In html template i use [var.tmpl_CONTENT;htmlconv=no;protect=no]
tmpl_CONTENT is a vaiable , which carries an html snippet
html snippet is as follows:
<select id="input_region" name="input_region">
<option value="[onshow.regioncode1]/">America</option>
<option value="[onshow.regioncode2]/" selected="selected">Aisa</option>
I assign values regioncode1 and regioncode2 on php page before $TBS->LoadTemplate statement
But the page is not recognised these two vaiables, it displyed [onshow.regioncode1] and [onshow.regioncode2] on the web page source.
The Var parameter not recognise onshow and onload placeholders ..
Could you please help me for finding a solution.. Thanks
By: Skrol29
Date: 2012-03-28
Time: 21:49
Re: Make a combo box based on continent selected
If $regioncode1 and $regioncode2 are defined before the template is loaded, then you an replace
Then it should be correctly merged.
By: Unni R
Date: 2012-04-03
Time: 12:31
Re: Make a combo box based on continent selected
Thanks a lot.. It is working....
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