By: DJMoran
Date: 2009-03-20
Time: 11:45
Dynamic MySQL fieldnames
Hi, I have a table which contains different fields in which the fieldname relates is the same as data in other records i.e.:
ID_Field Field_2
1 Text
2 Number
3 Quote
4 Other
ID_Field Text Number Quote Other
1 hi 23 "boo" http://
i was wondering if the syntax would be (if the blocks are merged as the table names) [Table2.[Table1.Field_2]]?
If not how would I do it?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2009-03-20
Time: 15:53
Re: Dynamic MySQL fieldnames
Yes it would work with this syntax, assuming that you do MergeBlock() on "Table1" first, then MergeBlock() on "Table2".
Also take care that TBS is case sensitive for field names.
By: DJMoran
Date: 2009-03-20
Time: 20:28
Re: Dynamic MySQL fieldnames
Thanks for the help, I'll try it as soon as I can.
Posting in progress.
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