By: Anthony
Date: 2008-12-09
Time: 15:39
Joomla Articles
I need to have a select statement from a database displayed in an article. for example..
In joomla I create an article. In that article i would like to display the results of a SQL statement. I am not using data from the joomla database.
Please help, I have installed the joomla plugin already but i am unsure of the code to do the following.
I need to have a connection string to a mySQL database not the joomla one.
Embed a SQL statement that will place the results in the article
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-12-09
Time: 21:31
Re: Joomla Articles
Hi Anthony,
This is quote simple, you just have get inspired from the manual example.
$con_id = mysql_connect(...);
$TBS->MergeBlock('u',$con_id,'SELECT * FROM table1');
Then call the script by putting the following tag in the Joomla Article:
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