By: Anthony
Date: 2008-09-07
Time: 07:58
Conditional display
Is it possible to have conditional display with _POST than with _GET?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-09-08
Time: 10:24
Re: Conditional display
Can you give more precisions of what you'd like to do ?
By: Anthony
Date: 2008-09-09
Time: 04:29
Re: Conditional display
I have been trying to show conditional display using the example given. This is to be be done simultaneously with forms. Now the forms example ("Enter data in a form") is made using POST where as the conditional display with GET. I would prefer POST method too for form and have tried to make this work with the conditional display, but them ran into problems that I could not solve (yet). If you could give a tip or a hint, it will be great... I am stuck here and was wondering if this is how inherently the "Conditional display" block
By: TomH
Date: 2008-09-09
Time: 17:00
Re: Conditional display
It really has nothing to do with whether the vars are POST or GET.
It is fruitless to try to diagnose your problems without being able to see what you are doing.
You are likely to stay stuck until you post the code that you are using (php and html, and the actual code not pseudo code please) and also tell us what results you are getting and what you expect to be getting.
Posting in progress.
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