By: baz
Date: 2008-04-17
Time: 16:56
conditional display leaves '' characters in html
i have a problem with the following code:
[var.loggedin;if [val]=0;then '
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:window_spawn('login');">login</a> |
';else '
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:window_spawn('logout');">logout</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:window_spawn('profiel');">profiel</a> |
'] |
it does worm, in the sense that it does display either the login or the logout/profile buttons based on the loggedin variable; however, it also prints the '' chars in the "then 'bla'; else 'bla'" line. kinda weird!
anyone any id?
By: baz
Date: 2008-04-17
Time: 16:59
Re: conditional display leaves '' characters in html
*worm == work
By: Skrol29
Date: 2008-04-17
Time: 17:20
Re: conditional display leaves '' characters in html
The problem is the quotes. You must double them if they are embbeded into quotes.
[var.loggedin;if [val]=0;then '
<a ... ''login'' ...>
<a ... ''logout'' ...>
<a ... ''profile'' ...>
'] |
You can do the same using conditional blocks instead of one conditional field.
<span> [onshow_log;block=span;when [val]=0] <a ...> </span>
<span> [onshow_log;block=span;default] <a ...> <a ...> </span>
By: baz
Date: 2008-04-17
Time: 18:45
Re: conditional display leaves '' characters in html
thanks a lot! double quotes, should've known ;)
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