By: mgb
Date: 2007-11-29
Time: 17:27
Is multiple conditions in when possible?
Hi all, its me again this time around I just have the little question form the subject.
Let me give an silly example
[block.friendly_greeting;when [block.is_friend]=1OR[block.is_cute_girl]]
btw Skrol29, I saw your elevator movie. Quite nicely done, you should just have put a bit more attention to the sound when cutting the movie and it would have been perfect :)
By: mgb
Date: 2007-11-29
Time: 17:37
Re: Is multiple conditions in when possible?
I guess I should have payed a bit more attention to the manual.
I just tried:
[block.friendly_greeting;when [block.is_friend];when [block.is_cute_girl]]
And it seems to work just fine :)
Anything wrong with this approach
Thanks in advance.
By: mgb
Date: 2007-11-29
Time: 19:38
Re: Is multiple conditions in when possible?
Well this actually functions as an AND. But that was also what I needed in my live code.
I am still interested to know if an OR is possible?
By: Pirjo Posio
Date: 2007-11-30
Time: 08:43
Re: Is multiple conditions in when possible?
By: mgb
Date: 2007-11-30
Time: 08:53
Re: Is multiple conditions in when possible?
Hi Pirjo Posio
Thanks for the tip. I had to use an < comparison in my when. I haven't tested if it works with the faq approach (the one without a php function).
But i did solve it like this: (excuse me for carrying on with the silly example)
[block.friendly_greeting;when [block.is_cute_girl]=1;when [block.is_girls_age]+-18]
This seems to do the trick just fine.
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