By: Scythe
Date: 2006-07-28
Time: 06:33
Time/Date Format
Is there anyway to get rid of the "0" in front of the hour, as well as the date?
Example: 07:05 pm turns into 7:05 pm
or: 07/27/2006 -> 7/27/2006
Thanks (and loving 3.x release so far Skrol) :)
By: Scythe
Date: 2006-07-28
Time: 06:51
Re: Time/Date Format
Ahhh, I just "hacked" the TBS class a bit.
Changed the conversion of 'mm' to use $FrmPHP='n'
also I changed the 'hm' conversion to use $FromPHP='g'
Hope that helps someone. Maybe add that ability for a different form in the next release?
Posting in progress.
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