By: Brandon
Date: 2006-05-31
Time: 13:58
Timing on rendered field
I have a page that contains:
require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/config.php');
include_once($classDir . '/tbs/tbs_class.php') ;
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong ;
//Connect to the database
if (!isset($_SERVER)) $_SERVER=&$HTTP_SERVER_VARS ; //PHP<4.1.0
require($classDir . '/db/cnx_mysql.php');
$TBS->LoadTemplate($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/header.html') ;
$TBS->LoadTemplate($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/reviewTable.html', '+') ;
$TBS->MergeBlock('blk1',$cnx_id,'SELECT * FROM reviews') ;
mysql_close($cnx_id) ;
$TBS->LoadTemplate($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/footer.php', '+') ;
$last_modified = filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .$PHP_SELF);
print("<center>Page last modified: ");
print(date("j M y h:i", $last_modified)."</center>");
?>; |
footer.php contains:
lastMod contains:
$last_modified = filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .$PHP_SELF);
print("<center>Page last modified:");
print(date("j M y h:i", $last_modified)."</center>");
?> |
The code is all correctly executing but the message ( 'Page last modified:25 May 06 08:50') is appearing at the top of the rendered page instead of the bottom.
How do I delay it?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-05-31
Time: 14:03
Re: Timing on rendered field
You have to active the subtemplate mode:
By: Brandon
Date: 2006-05-31
Time: 14:05
Re: Timing on rendered field - solved
Yes - that was what I was missing - thanks!
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