By: Jose Carlos
Date: 2003-09-09
Time: 02:39
Condition whith file inclusion
TS is very powerful but a bit difficult :)
I need this,, is it possible ?
{ if login show below }
{include of file login.htm}
{ end if}
{ else show below}
tables images, include of file and others things
include of file main.htm or other page
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-09-09
Time: 22:17
Re: Condition whith file inclusion
Hello Jose,
Yes you can do this with TBS.
The more simple is to prepare a PHP variable wich is 1 if the login is ok, end otherwise it is 0.
For the login.htm file to include, you can use a simple [tbs_include] field with a 'if' paremeter.
example : [tbs_include.onshow;file=login.htm;if [var.login]=1]
For the en of the tabl, you can use another [tbs_include] filed with a 'if' paremeter and which points on a sub-template.
Or you can use a [tbs_check] block if you want to keep the end of the table in the same template.
Hope it has helped.
By: Jose Carlos
Date: 2003-09-10
Time: 04:24
Re: Condition whith file inclusion
but how works a block in [tbs_check]?
is it possible to define a block whith begin and end ?
like this :
[tbs_check;if pag=´login´]
<tr><td> [tbs_include.onshow;file=login.htm;]</td</tr>
<tr><td> A lot of thngs,, a menu and other tables
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