By: Tobi
Date: 2006-01-22
Time: 18:12
Write output in a file instead of showing it
Through the line $TBS->Show(); I will get the result printed out.
But I want to make a PDF through htmldoc and in this case I need result saved as a file.
How can I save the result in a file?
Thank you so much for an answer, tomorrow I have to hand my work in and i´m a little bit in hurry...
By: Tobi
Date: 2006-01-22
Time: 18:51
Re: Write output in a file instead of showing it
I have tryed it with:
$pdf = $TBS->Source;
$file = fopen("../temp/test.htm","w+");
fwrite ($file, $pdf);
fclose ($file); |
nothing happens
also with
$pdf = $TBS->Source;
echo $pdf; |
i cant see the code
By: Skrol29
Date: 2006-01-22
Time: 23:55
Re: Write output in a file instead of showing it
Hello Tobi,
Here is the way to get the source of the merged template into a string :
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong;
$TBS->MergeBlock(...); // or whatever
$TBS->Show() // no exit and no output because of Render
$x = $TBS->Source;
If you don't suceed to save the contents into a file, just check the contents before, by displaying it for example.
By: Tobi
Date: 2006-01-23
Time: 00:34
Re: Write output in a file instead of showing it
Thank you so much.
I´ve almost tried every situation, but with render=nothing and show not ;)
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