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how to insert a page break using tbsooo_class

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By: sam
Date: 2006-01-19
Time: 08:53

how to insert a page break using tbsooo_class

Hello all ,
i've been trying to get help with the tbsooo_class. I know its an open office class but I dont know where to get help from since I cant seem to contact the author Olivier LOYNET ( and I dont think there is a forum for this class.
Anyway you guys seem to be very able so could you please spare a minute and give me a hand since it is fairly simple (i think!)

I am querying a mysql db and able to get the records out. I can populate the tbs block OK but  I want each record to occur
*** ON A NEW PAGE ***. At the moment its coming out in the table going down as a list on 1 page.
Could anyone edit the code I've supplied to include the page break (section break?) whatever is needed so that the pref_name and the surname occur at the top of every page. ie if there is 10 records the following code needs to produce a 10page openoffice download.

Here is the OO template that lives on the server. I think the page break needs to go in here somewhere:

+   Num    +  Firstname                             +    Surname     +
+ [blk1.#] + [blk1.pref_name;block=table:table-row] + [blk1.surname] +
+     [blk1;block=table:table-row;nodata]There is no data.           +

Here is the php code to produce the OpenOffice download (OO)


$result= mysql_query ("SELECT * from 800lines limit 10");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

// instantiate a TBS OOo class
$OOo = new clsTinyButStrongOOo;

// setting the object

// create a new openoffice document from the template with an unique id

// merge data with openoffice file named 'content.xml'

$OOo->MergeBlock('blk1',$f) ;

// display
header('Content-type: '.$OOo->GetMimetypeDoc());
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($OOo->GetPathnameDoc()));

BTW is the way I have made the associative array f$[] the only way to get the fields out of the db?  Cant I get them out straight away since  $row[] is already an associative array? (ie is there the need to create $f[]?)

THanks in advance
By: sam
Date: 2006-01-19
Time: 09:41

Re: how to insert a page break using tbsooo_class

Just found the 'TBS with OpenOffice'.
Sorry, I re-posted to this forum.
