By: Aaron Mueller
Date: 2003-08-07
Time: 01:01
Template IN Template ?
Hi all!
First of all: TinyButStrong is coooool ;)
So, my Problem:
I have made a "index.tpl.html" with a basic Table-Structure and some mergeBlocks. Now i would like "include" the "action-script-file" who should included in a cell on the index.tpl.html-template. If I include the file with like this: [tbs_include.onload;script=[var.action_source]], the PHP-Output is above the Template-Output ;(
What is to do ? :(
(Sorry for my bad englisch, i am german)
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-08-07
Time: 01:06
Re: Template IN Template ?
Hi Aaron,
There is also [tbs_include.onshow;...]
Is that what you need ?
By: Aaron Mueller
Date: 2003-08-07
Time: 01:51
Re: Template IN Template ?
sorry this is not the Problem...
Here an example:
I had 4 Files
include_once( "tbs_class.php" );
$source = $_GET['page'];
if( !isset($_GET['page']) || !file_exists($_GET['page']) )
$source = "error.php";
$tpl = new clsTinyButStrong;
$tpl->LoadTemplate( "index.tpl.html" );
$tpl->MergeField( "test", "This is a string from the index.php" );
The Templafte for the index.php with an table with 2 cells:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> The Base-File </TITLE>
Then the "source" with will be included in one of the cells, the news.php
$tpl2 = new clsTinyButStrong;
$tpl2->LoadTemplate( "news.tpl.html" );
$tpl2->MergeField( "news", "HOT NEWS, Aaron had problems with his script!" );
ans the Template for the news.php
<b>Big</b> News!!<br>
So, if I call "index.php?page=news.php" in the WebBrowser, the script parse only the news.tpl.html and show only this file ... the index.tpl.html DONT show ;(
Know somebody the answer of my problem ?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-08-07
Time: 02:17
Re: Template IN Template ?
The script stops just after the $tpl2->Show().
If you want the script to don't stop and continue the main merge, you have to set :
$tpl2->Render = TBS_OUTPUT ;
before to do
$tpl2->Show() ;
By default it is TBS_OUTPUT + TBS_EXIT.
Tell me if it works better with this.
By: Aaron Mueller
Date: 2003-08-07
Time: 14:32
Re: Template IN Template ?
Yeah it works!
Thanks Thanks Thanks! ;)
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