Hi there,
first I want to say that this class is very cool.
I love it. Lat days I've created the first page with a clear structure (different files for html and php) with TinyButStrong. =:)
(I'm a beginer in PHP-coding)
I have two questions now:
1) Is it possible to read out if a valid cached file is available without to display it and stopping the script?
2) How can I dynamicaly set the numbers for cells and rows in tables by merging a block?
Now I have a solution like in one of your examples shipped with the class:
If I merge the block with an array containing 9 records I get 3 x 3 cells.
Is there a way to create 2x4 or 4x4 or any other combination dynamicaly based on two variables (for cells and rows)?
Or is there a way to set the number for cells by a variable and the maximum number for records to process?
Thank's in advance,