By: Bruno
Date: 2005-12-26
Time: 18:18
Why it's doesn't work if $cat['redirection'] value == 1
It also doesn't work when $cat['redirection'] == any value...:(
<td colspan=2>
Redirect to: [onload; block=tr; when [cat.redirection]=1]
<select name=redirection_file>
<option value=[r_file.fname; block=option]>[r_file.fname]</option>
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-12-26
Time: 23:56
Re: onload?
Hello Bruno,
This is a classic mistake. You should use [onshow] instead of [onload] because [onload] blocks are evaluated as soon as the template is loaded. This means before [cat.redirection] is merged.
By: Bruno
Date: 2005-12-27
Time: 00:52
Re: onload?
By: Bruno
Date: 2005-12-27
Time: 06:00
Re: onload?
It's me again :)
Why it's doesn't work: [onshow; block=tr; when [bar.#] != 1]
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-12-29
Time: 14:25
Re: onload?
First check if [bar.#] is correctly merged when [onshow] is supposed to be processed. To do this you can, for example, rename you tag like this :
[onshowx; block=tr; when [bar.#] != 1]
And then look what it becomes...
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-12-29
Time: 14:35
Re: onload?
Also check your Html source if your editor didn't insert a line break inside the TBS tag.
I've tested your snippet, it works fine for me.
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