By: rsam
Date: 2005-11-23
Time: 14:56
blocks with stripslashes
thank you for this script is very helpful and powerfull, i like it!
i have a question please
i want to retrive a data from a tabel from DB. the problem am facing that i dont know how to use stripslashes with every value i get.
this is my PHP line :
$TBS->MergeBlock( 'com' , 'mysql' , "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE art_id = '".$art_id."' AND comment_show = 'y'" );
i want to stipslashes from eash value i get, would you please help me with that ?
thank you
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-11-23
Time: 15:59
Re: blocks with stripslashes
Hello Rsam,
Each coder has its own cooking about that purpose.
I personnaly use a custom function which retrieves one or several variables from GET, POST or COOKIE ; and stripslashe() then if necessary.
You can found this function in the downloadable applications examples tbsForum or tbsTestimonials.