By: Charles Alden
Date: 2005-10-04
Time: 13:09
A liitle help with "nodata"
Here is the array, the values are blank to try to figure out what nodata means, the array is empty.
$ticket_single[] = array('createddate' => '',
'creaatedby' => '',
'content1' => '');
here is the html.
<td colspan="3">[blk1;block=tr;nodata]No Data!</td>
what the heck am I doing wrong?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-10-04
Time: 13:42
Re: A liitle help with "nodata"
"no data" means "no record", and is not "empty data".
Your array is probably not merged because it is not a record set (an array of array) but a single record.