By: mielem
Date: 2003-07-19
Time: 12:42
initialize PHP vars
Hi Skrol29,
Is there a way to avoid the message
"TinyButStrong Warning (Merge PhpVar): The field [var.varname] can not be merged because there is no corresponding PHP variable."
without being obliged to initialize the PHP variables?
It could be very useful to manage forms.
Here is a simplified example:
<form action="form.php" method="get" name="richiesta">
<input type="text" name="name" value="[]" size="24">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Send">
if(phpversion() >= "4.2.0") {
include_once( "tbs_class.php" ) ;
$msg="The Name field is mandatory"; //inizialize $msg var
if (isset($action)) { //we selected the "Send" button
if ($action=="Send") {
if ($name=="") {
$msg="Please fill the name field!";
} else {
// send instructions here
} else { //we are obliged to inizialize every PHP var
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong ;
$TBS -> LoadTemplate ("form.html" ) ;
$TBS -> Show () ;
Since the list of variables to inizialize can be long, the best could be if TBS could replace an uninitialized PHP var with "" (setting a "novar" parameter?).
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-07-20
Time: 13:48
Re: initialize PHP vars
Hi Miliem,
I know this TBS behovior (error message) may be a problem for some applications.
Since now, I've been alble to initilize variables somewhere in the code.
But it probably would be nice to have an arrangement in the next version.