By: Jared
Date: 2005-07-22
Time: 07:01
javascript troubles
I am having trouble with a javascript function. It is a dependent select script. I want to use my existing code, here it is modified to work with TBS
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
document.MYFORM.__SELECT2__.disabled = true
var groups=document.MYFORM.__SELECT1__.options.length
var group=new Array(groups)
for (i = 0; i < groups; i++) {
group[i]=new Array()
group[0][0]=new Option("select 2","0");
group[[jCAT.iid]][0]=new Option("select 2","0");
group[[jCAT.iid]][]=new Option("select 2","[man.jid");
var temp=document.MYFORM.__SELECT2__
function redirect(x) {
for (m=temp.options.length-1;m>0;m--) {
for (i=0;i<group[x].length;i++){
temp.options[i]=new Option(group[x][i].text,group[x][i].value)
if (document.MYFORM.__SELECT1__.value == "0") {
document.MYFORM.__SELECT2__.disabled = true
} else {
document.MYFORM.__SELECT2__.disabled = false
This is the PHP portion:
$TBS->MergeBlock('jCAT','array','tmp') ;
$TBS->MergeBlock('man','array','tmp[%p1%][man]') ;
The html section looks like this:
<select name="__SELECT1__" onChange="redirect(this.options.selectedIndex)">
<option value="0" selected>Select 1</option>
<option value="[iCAT.iid;block=opt]"><font class="swh">[iCAT.iname;block=opt]</font></option>
<select name="__SELECT2__">
<option value="0" selected>Select 2</option>
So I think one of the problems is that it's not producing the correct group array. Does TBS have a counter variable I can access while it's looping through my block->sub block section of the javascript ?
The group array that is being produced looks like this:
group[3][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[3][]=new Option("Bentley","4");
group[3][]=new Option("BMW","1");
group[3][]=new Option("Lexus","3");
group[3][]=new Option("Mercedes-Benz","2");
group[3][]=new Option("","");
group[3][]=new Option("","");
group[2][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[2][]=new Option("Chevrolet","8");
group[2][]=new Option("Mazda","6");
group[2][]=new Option("Toyota","5");
group[2][]=new Option("Volvo","7");
group[2][]=new Option("","");
group[2][]=new Option("","");
group[1][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[1][]=new Option("Acura","12");
group[1][]=new Option("BMW","9");
group[1][]=new Option("Lamborghini","11");
group[1][]=new Option("Porsche","10");
group[1][]=new Option("","");
group[1][]=new Option("","");
group[5][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[5][]=new Option("Ford","13");
group[5][]=new Option("Hummer","14");
group[5][]=new Option("Nissan","16");
group[5][]=new Option("Toyota","15");
group[5][]=new Option("","");
group[5][]=new Option("","");
But, I need it to look like this:
group[1][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[1][1]=new Option("Bentley","4");
group[1][2]=new Option("BMW","1");
group[1][3]=new Option("Lexus","3");
group[1][4]=new Option("Mercedes-Benz","2");
group[2][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[2][1]=new Option("Chevrolet","8");
group[2][2]=new Option("Mazda","6");
group[2][3]=new Option("Toyota","5");
group[2][4]=new Option("Volvo","7");
group[3][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[3][1]=new Option("Acura","12");
group[3][2]=new Option("BMW","9");
group[3][3]=new Option("Lamborghini","11");
group[3][4]=new Option("Porsche","10");
group[4][0]=new Option("Make","0");
group[4][1]=new Option("Ford","13");
group[4][2]=new Option("Hummer","14");
group[4][3]=new Option("Nissan","16");
group[4][4]=new Option("Toyota","15");
Also, how can I get rid of the blank new Option("",""); sections?
By: Jared
Date: 2005-07-23
Time: 00:06
Re: javascript troubles
Ohh man, hate those small mistakes that take so long to figure out.
I needed to initialize count1 to the value of 1 to begin with, not the value of 0.
So, if anyone wants some example code on how to put together another version of a 2 menu dependent select, let me know.
- Jared