By: $tbs_CurrVal problem
Date: 2005-04-04
Time: 21:26
Problem using $tbs_CurVal within sub script
I'm trying to use a sub script :
content of this script is :
When i execute php throws error "Notice: Undefined variable: tbs_CurrVal"
What's wrong ?
I saw within tbs source file and i didn't find any variable as tbs_CurrVal.
How does it can work ??
I use tbs 2.01 fro php5
Thanks for response
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-04-05
Time: 00:24
Re: Problem using $tbs_CurVal within sub script
$tbs_CurrVal was a TBS global (and local for sub-script) variable available in versions 1.x. It doesn't exist onymore in versions 2.x, except in version 2.0c which is a special compatible version. The migration kit explain the differences and how to make the same differently with versions 2.x.
TBS now uses a local variable $CurrVal, but this is not documented. You can use it if you need, but this is an internal variable that may change in the futur.
If your a OOP developer, you can also use the local variable $this into your sub-script to reach the calling TBS instance.