By: Austin
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 05:46
If then variable problem
<a href="[var.page_name;if [val]=Welcome;then 'index';else var.page_name].php">[var.page_name]</a>
I am trying to use an if/then for a link. If the variable value is 'Welcome', I want to replace it with 'index'. This works fine when the variable value is 'Welcome', but when the value is somthing else, it is showing the link as 'var.page_name.php' instead of using the variable value. What am I doing wrong?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-27
Time: 13:28
Re: If then variable problem
Your var TBS field is not correctly open. It misses the open char.
By: Austin
Date: 2005-03-28
Time: 20:18
Re: If then variable problem
Thanks for the response, but I do not understand what you mean.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-28
Time: 20:38
Re: If then variable problem
By: Austin
Date: 2005-03-28
Time: 21:36
Re: If then variable problem
Thanks for the help, but I tried that and it did not work:
<a href="[var.page_name;if [val]=Welcome;then 'index';else [var.page_name].php">[var.page_name]</a>
It looks like I am missing a ']'.
So I tried this, but it did not work either:
<a href="[var.page_name;if [val]=Welcome;then 'index';else [var.page_name]].php">[var.page_name]</a>
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-28
Time: 23:54
Re: If then variable problem
The last one should work. Check that you don't have any line-break in you code source over the TBS field.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-28
Time: 23:58
Re: If then variable problem
Sorry, paremeter 'else' doesn't support var fields, but it supports [val].
This should work:
[var.page_name;if [val]=Welcome;then 'index';else [val]]
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