By: Tinmar
Date: 2005-03-24
Time: 23:06
I need to do this :
if (var1 == true) {
if (var2 == true) {
echo "ok";
Without doing this (because the var2 is not declared if var1 is false) :
if (var1 == true && var2 == true) {
echo "ok";
Thanks a lot
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 19:54
Re: Condition
Hi Tinmar,
First I have to say that
if (var1 == true && var2 == true)
Is available in Php even if var2 is not declared when var1 is false.
It's possible because Php doesn't evaluate next AND clauses when a false one is found.
For TBS it's different. There is no AND operator.
But you can do the following:
[onload;if [var.var1],[var.var2.noerr]='1,1';then 'ok';else '']
By: Tinmar
Date: 2005-03-25
Time: 20:02
Re: Condition
Oh yes that's right, the noerr parameter is working very well.
Thanks a lot for this answer !!!
Coding with TBS is a real pleasure, i just love it, very esay and powerfull.
Congratulation for your work on this project.
Tinmar (qui n'avait pas vu qu'il y avais une rubrique en francais ;))
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