By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-14
Time: 01:12
what will you have in TBS 2.02
TBS 2.02 is almost coded.
They are few features left to study and develop, but other bugs and features are coded and tested.
I need some few Beta Testers before to publish TBS 2.02. Beta Testers are wanted to test the compatibility with their existing applications, or to test the new features. So if you agree to beta-test, your help is very welcome, just send me an email.
Here are the news:
Fixed bugs:
- selected=tag doesn't work with attributes ID and NAME uppercase
- selected=xx checks items with other names
- DebugLocator: bugged and deleted
- protection should be set to False during inclusion using parameter 'script'
- parameter 'splittergrp' doesn't work without a parameter 'headergrp'
- GetBlockSource() deletes Block Defition Tags
- Var fields embeded into a 'm+m' magnet var field are omitted
- 'onsection' custom function should not be executed on 'nodata'
- CacheAction() returne always false with TBS_DELETE.
- delete deprecated function meth_Merge_Check()
New features:
- allow OpenChr and CloseChr with several char (example : '{{' '}}')
- allow multiformat for dates (zero, null)
- htmlconv=js => convert data to a JavaScript string
- parameter 'parentgrp' => parentgrp=field
- extra syntax for parameter 'extend' => extend='tr,li,...'
- allow parameter 'when' for merged blocks
- new cache action TBS_CACHEGETAGE
- new cache action TBS_CACHEGETFILENAME
- new cache action TBS_CACHEISONSHOW
To do, or to study:
- magnet='+1c' => deleted one char before
- magnet='+att' => deleted the attribut that embeds the tag
- allow htmlspecialchars() instead of htmlentities()