By: Ken Roberts
Date: 2005-03-06
Time: 17:36
Adding Rows vaules......
Is there a way to add up the values of the rows returned of a certain column and display the results at the bottom of the column. For example, of you have an invoice with items that are pulled from a database, you want a sub-total and a total at the bottom. Can this be accomplished with TBS? I have scoured the forum and manual, but I see no mention. Any help would be appreciated.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-03-06
Time: 19:26
Re: Adding Rows vaules......
You can do it using parameter 'onformat' and a user function.
The user function will enable you to calculate sub-total and total on a extra field, or in a global variable.
By: totaller
Date: 2005-07-10
Time: 12:55
Re: Adding Rows vaules......
And then how do I display it on the bottom? Since $TBS->Show(); ends the execution of the script and the totals are calculated during $TBS->Show();
By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-07-11
Time: 01:08
Re: Adding Rows vaules......
Just store the total in a global variable like $total, then add the corresponding Var Field in the template ([]).
Var Fields are merged during the Show() method.
By the way, you can prevent TBS to ends the script after the Show() method using property Render.
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