By: davidc
Date: 2005-02-23
Time: 03:02
[onload;script=[var.script_file]] Where "script_file" is output from another template
I'm having a problem using this syntax and getting both pages to display. Currently, only the 'onload' script will display. Is it because I'm loading TBS twice? I wouldn't think so because I'm creating two different instances of the class.
My include script looks something like this:
$nav_arry[] = arrary('location' => 'href_locationx', 'label' => 'Labelx');
$nav_arry[] = arrary('location' => 'href_locationy', 'label' => 'Labely');
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong;
$TBS->MergeBlock('nav', $nav_arry);
My main script looks something like this:
$navigation = "include_script";
... other vars to process ...
$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong;
The include_script template is the one that displays only when the 'main_script' is called. The main script template has a definition for the include_script as follows:
What am I doing wrong? I don't think it's a path problem, because if I take out the above definition, it prints the main_script output. If I load just the navigation script, it looks right. It's only when I try to combine them.
By: davidc
Date: 2005-02-23
Time: 03:04
Re: [onload;script=[var.script_file]] Where "script_file" is output from another template
Just realiized I left out the:
But it is in the scripts, otherwise nothing would show up when I load each separately.
Sorry for the extra post.
By: Col
Date: 2005-02-23
Time: 04:11
Re: [onload;script=[var.script_file]] Where "script_file" is output from another template
I think I understand your problem . . .
In your include script add:
$TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT;
before your $TBS->Show();
By: davidc
Date: 2005-02-23
Time: 04:26
Re: [onload;script=[var.script_file]] Where "script_file" is output from another template
You da man Col! I would have never thought to include that property in my script.
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