Hi Skrol,
Sorry to bother you again, but I am TBS newbie...
I have the following snippet:
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#0000FF" style="font-size:14px;">
[bm.$;if [val] !=0; then ' '; else ''; magnet=table]
<td [bs.$;if [val] !=0; then ''; else 'width=180';]>
[bs.val;block=td;p1='[bm.$]';ifempty=' ';]
In the line:
<td [bs.$;if [val] !=0; then ''; else 'width=180';]>
I need the space after "<td " , however in the generated HTML code
the tag looks like <td >. How can this be avoided? Especially in
XHTML this is a bit annoying.