Hi Skrol,
Thanks for your fast help last time! It really solved my problem, great!
Now I would like to know whether the following is already implemented
in TBS or if it could be in the next version:
<p>[bm.$;if [val] !=0; then ' '; else ''; magnet=p]
<table width="400" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#0000FF">
This works, and it does not show the first entry (0) of an array in a
merged block. It does not work if I write the first line as follows:
<p>[bm;block=p;if [bm.$] !=0; then ' '; else ''; magnet=p]
Am I correct? Or is there already a possibility to use 'if' in merged
blocks? As of now I have two write two TBS statements (as in first
code snippet. I would like to have conditional blocks which are
merged blocks....