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Is this already implemented?

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By: Marcus
Date: 2005-02-15
Time: 23:26

Is this already implemented?

Hi Skrol,

Thanks for your fast help last time! It really solved my problem, great!

Now I would like to know whether the following is already implemented
in TBS or if it could be in the next version:

<p>[bm.$;if [val] !=0; then ' '; else ''; magnet=p]
<table width="400" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#0000FF">

This works, and it does not show the first entry (0) of an array in a
merged block. It does not work if I write the first line as follows:

<p>[bm;block=p;if [bm.$] !=0; then ' '; else ''; magnet=p]

Am I correct? Or is there already a possibility to use 'if' in merged
blocks? As of now I have two write two TBS statements (as in first
code snippet. I would like to have conditional blocks which are
merged blocks....


By: Skrol29
Date: 2005-02-15
Time: 23:38

Re: Is this already implemented?

Hi Marcus,

Parameter 'if' is for fields only. In your first snippet, it is recorgnized because you use the simplified syntaxe: the field tag is also a block tag. In your next snippet you use the relative syntax, the tag is only for the block and parameter 'if' is ignored.

Parameter 'where' is for block but is recognized only by [onload] or [onshow] for now (TBS version 2.0 and 2.01). It is on plan for a futur version to enable this parameter for merged blocks too.