By: Jorge
Date: 2003-06-23
Time: 12:08
Display by page / Display details and then come back to listing display
The Display by page is one of the cool things in TBS
Let's take the example page you provide on your site with
N° // product // Price
I put a link on product row, so I can get product details on the same page.
New page displays details...and I can get bak to the previous page with my back button from IE .
That works perfectly use sessions
So I have to pass a parameter back to display the correct page I was on.
If I'm on page 6 and then click to get details from a product
then click to pass a parameter to TBS so it displays right page 6 and 1)
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-06-23
Time: 13:36
Re: Display by page / Display details and then come back to listing display
Hi Jorge,
May be if you use Get method instead of Post method in the form that display pages, it should work better because the page parameter is in the Url.
Another way is to save the current page to display into a variable saved by the session.