By: Shawn
Date: 2004-12-03
Time: 15:02
TBS Newbie Needs A Little HelpFirst I love TBS. It's by far the simplest template system I have run across. I'm able to pull data from my database, but what I'm trying to do is loop thru the database creating a new table with each record.
Here's my code:
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish (but this was done manually) |
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-12-03
Time: 15:23
Re: TBS Newbie Needs A Little HelpHello,
There are several ways to do it. Here are 3 examples including 2 that can do the space between each tables. With no space between tables:
Using explicit block syntax and <br> for the space:
Using encapsulated tables, and a blank row for the space:
By: Shawn
Date: 2004-12-03
Time: 15:26
Re: TBS Newbie Needs A Little HelpSkrol,
Thanks for the fast response. I'll give it a shot and update you via this thread on my success. Fingers are crossed. Smile. Sincerely, Shawn |
By: Shawn
Date: 2004-12-03
Time: 15:31
Re: TBS Newbie Needs A Little HelpSkrols,
Here's the update. It worked like a champ! Thanks. Sincerely, Shawn |