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Merge Error

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By: Radeon
Date: 2004-09-22
Time: 19:13

Merge Error

I'm having some problems with merging data from the database with my html files.

This is what i have:
function newsEdit($id) {
       global $db;
       $query = "SELECT * FROM site_news WHERE news_id='$id'";
       $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong;
       $TBS->MergeBlock('nws', $db, $query);


But all i get when merging with the html is:

TinyButStrong Error (Array value): Can't merge [nws.news_title] because there is no key named 'news_title'. This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error (Array value): Can't merge [nws.news_content] because there is no key named 'news_content'. This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

And i know that these does exist so i don't get what the problem is!
I also have this problems with some other scripts that i've written, they just came up from nowhere. Could there be a problem with my php or apache installation? I have some pages where the merging works, but it doesn't on some....
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-09-22
Time: 19:27

Re: Merge Error


Are there other TBS fields for this block?
Did you take care of string case (lower/upper)?
Did you tried to check your records using var_export() for example?
What is you database type? Or your connectivity tool?
What is your TBS version?
Do you use database custom functions?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-09-22
Time: 19:31

Re: Merge Error

Are those fields inside the block or outside?
By: Radeon
Date: 2004-09-22
Time: 19:46

Re: Merge Error

I'm using version 1.97.
Everything is lower case.
I'm using mysql database, to manage it i use phpmyadmin.
And i don't use any other database functions than the ones needed to get TBS to connect to the database.

The thing is that i have done ecaxtly the same way with another html page and it works there....

This is the html (i had removed the news_id, but i just put it back in):
<tr><td><table background="images/block_big_fill.gif" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="408" class="table_01">
                  <form method="post" action="?action=update&id=[edt.news_id]">
                  <tr><td class="text_02" valign="middle" width="50">Title</td><td>
                  <input class="box" size="60" type="text" name="nws_title" value="[edt.news_title]" /></td></tr>
                  <tr><td class="text_02" valign="top" width="50">Content</td><td>
                  <textarea class="box" cols="57" rows="10" name="nws_content" />[edt.news_content]</textarea></td></tr>
                  <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" class="button" value="Insert News" /></td></tr>
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-09-23
Time: 01:31

Re: Merge Error

Hi Radeon,

When you merge data with a block that have no block definition in the template, then all fields of the block are merged with the first record of the data. (This is a special behavior decribed in the manual)
But when you merge such a block with a query that returns no data, then each fields of the block brings an error.

You can cancel the error messages using parameter 'noerr'.
By: Radeon
Date: 2004-09-23
Time: 08:44

Re: Merge Error

But there should be data in the table and i know that there is data. The thing is that some weeks ago i did the exactly same thing but lately it won't work anymore like it did....
By: Radeon
Date: 2004-09-23
Time: 08:52

Re: Merge Error

Seams like i fixed it, i were having a problem with the fetcing of the ID. Seams like it dodn't want to get the id when i did like "function newsEdit($id)" So i just did a "$id = $_GET['id'];" :P