Sorry for the long question - this is tricky .. I am setting up a page to capture shop open & closing days/times. Basically I have a block that displays text inputs and checkboxes for each day. The days are stored in a small table ("days") like
dayID day
1 Sun
2 Mon
3 ...
7 sat
8 Public holiday
in this way the number of input rows (one for each day of the week plus special days) can be controlled by this table, and I have HTML like so,
<div align="center">
<input type="checkbox" name="tradingdays[[days.#]]" value="1"></div>
<div align="center">
<input type="text" name="opentime[[days.#]]" size="10"></div>
<div align="center">
<input type="text" name="closetime[[days.#]]" size="10"></div>
<div align="center">
<input type="checkbox" name="open24hours[[days.#]]" value="1"></div>
as you may see, I am using the array style to label the input fields so I can access the posted data via array methods in PHP. I use the 'trading days' checkbox to identify which fields (rows representing each day) had data entered. The shop open/close time data is stored in a second table ("openinghours"). This so far works ok.
So now the question.. how can I convert this HTML to allow editing the data (i.e. loading previously entered data into this form based on this HTML, and editing & updating it).
It is common that shops are not open all of the 7 or so days offered by "days" table. This is significant since I still want to display all possible rows despite perhaps only one or two open/close times were entered. If I do a block merge against the previously entered data, I may get only 2 rows of entry fields instead of the max available as dictated by the "days table" (indicated earlier).
This is one idea I have:
<div align="center">
<input type="checkbox" name="tradingdays[[days.#]]" value="1" [days.dayID]></div>
<div align="center">
<input type="text" name="opentime[[days.#]]" size="10" value="[days.opentime]"></div>
<div align="center">
<input type="text" name="closetime[[days.#]]" size="10" value="[days.closetime]"></div>
<div align="center">
<input type="checkbox" name="open24hours[[days.#]]" value="1" [days.open24hours]></div>
and I used a onsection function
function populateHours($BlockName,&$CurrRec,&$DetailSrc,$RecNum) {
$dayID = trim( $CurrRec['dayID'] );
global $db, $locationID;
$result = $db->get_row("SELECT opentime, closetime, open24hours FROM openinghours WHERE locationID = $locationID AND dayID = $dayID");
// echo $RecNum . ': ' . $CurrRec['dayID'] . ' open = ' . $result->opentime . '<br>';
$CurrRec['opentime'] = $result->opentime;
$CurrRec['closetime'] = $result->closetime;
if ($result->open24hours == 1)
$CurrRec['open24hours'] = 'checked';
$CurrRec['open24hours'] = '';
// klugdgy way to enable the trading day checkbox
if ($dayID && $result->opentime)
$CurrRec['dayID'] = 'checked';
$CurrRec['dayID'] = '';
I think this is on the right track - but I feel I am missing an easier way. Can you suggest a better approach?
I hope you can see what I am tying to do.
Thanks for any help.