Hello Skrol29 !
First great work for this lib.
I encounter a problem when i try to generate a docx file with nested array.
In fact, when i try to use sub-block with "sub1" key , nothing is displayed.
I would like to display the sub-array 'spokenlg' in a table.
Here is my code (for the example, i use the array from the documentation, but my data is pretty close to it) :
$data = array(
array('name'=>'Peter', 'spokenlg'=>array( 'US', 'FR' ) ),
array('name'=>'Paul', 'spokenlg'=>array( 'US' ) ),
array('name'=>'Jack', 'spokenlg'=>array( 'FR', 'ES', 'IT') ),
$this->TBS->MergeBlock('body', $data);
And here is my template :
a user language : [body_sub1.val;block=tbs:p]
and my result :
a user language : [body_sub1.val;block=tbs:p]
Is this a problem with OpenTBS or am i missing something ?
Thanks in advance !