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Tab in Mergefield

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By: Michiel
Date: 2015-05-28
Time: 20:29

Tab in Mergefield

It must be very simple, but somehow I can't figure out how to get tabs in my strings that are being merged.
The xml-synopsis says to use
, but I don't know how to add these to my text.

Any help?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2015-05-28
Time: 23:49

Re: Tab in Mergefield

You can use a onformat custom function :

function f_replace_tabs($FieldName, &$CurrVal, &$CurrPrm) {
   $CurrVal = str_replace("\t",'<text:tab/>', $CurrVal);
   $CurrPrm['strconv'] = 'no'; // prevent from replacing special char such as < and >

ODT template :
By: Michiel
Date: 2015-05-29
Time: 08:26

Re: Tab in Mergefield

Brilliant; just what I need. Thanks!