By: Alp
Date: 2015-04-30
Time: 09:08
Deleting a line or a paragraph in DOCX template
I want to delete an entire line or a paragraph in Word according to data from the server using TBS. This works great with HTML templates but does not with docx.
Actually deleting the line works when the data is empty but it does not work with data values.
The working example is : TEXT BOX IS EMPTY SO DELETE THIS LINE [onload.text;magnet=tbs:p; when [val] = '']
But the following does not work
DELETE THIS LINE IF CHECKBOX 1 IS CHECKED [onload.checkbox___1;magnet=tbs:p;when [val]=1]
I have tried all combinations: [val]='1' also does not work.
If you have any idea, I ll be glad.
Thank you
By: Skrol29
Date: 2015-05-01
Time: 23:07
Re: Deleting a line or a paragraph in DOCX template
Hi Alp,
Parameter "when" is not related to "magnet", it i related to blocks.
For tuning parameter "magnet" you should use "ope=mko:1".