By: Nicola
Date: 2015-01-21
Time: 00:40
opentbs sometimes doesn't work. Need to comment unset
Sometimes opentbs doesn't answer, it stops to work and php write a notice that the key 'data' is not set in tbs_plugin_opentbs.php at the row 6041.
After commenting
unset($ReplInfo['data']); // save PHP memory
it works well.
I had this problem on two differents server linux, ubuntu and debian.
Do you had this issue?
Is it safe to run with this row commented?
Many thanks.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2015-01-21
Time: 22:38
Re: opentbs sometimes doesn't work. Need to comment unset
Hi Nicolas,
It is safe to run with those row commented.
I think this behavior may happen when you try several time to Show() the same loaded template.
I'm surprised someone met this problem.
Can you tell me why you have to Show() the template several times ?