By: Cristian R.
Date: 2004-07-23
Time: 00:03
Suggestion: Historic Downloads
I'd like to suggest that the download section of the TBS site also links a .zip file for ALL previous version of the TBS class, just for historic / debug / documentation purposes.
I, for one, would very much appreciate this feature.
Greetz from Argentina, home of Tango, Maradona and Dulce de Leche!
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-07-23
Time: 08:29
Re: Suggestion: Historic Downloads
Ok, I will do that.
By: Cristian R.
Date: 2004-07-28
Time: 19:35
Re: Suggestion: Historic Downloads
I'm extremely grateful to you for taking into account my suggestion.
However, if it's not asking too mucho, could you also provide a download link for the 1.81 version of TBS?
TBS 1.81 was the first version I ever used, but I lost the original .zip file intro /dev/null... :(
Thanks, again... Hope I'm not bothering too much...
By: Skrol29
Date: 2004-07-28
Time: 21:19
Re: Suggestion: Historic Downloads
It is available now.
Hey, so you're a TBS user for one year :)
I hope you enjoy the improvements.
I think I won't publish versions before 1.65 because there is a kind of security problem with versions <= 1.64 when using TBS for publishing content posted by users.
(now it's secure, TBS protectes merged data)
Posting in progress.
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