By: damien
Date: 2014-07-29
Time: 11:45
Multi page document with one template odt
Hello everyone,
I have a problem. Actually I would like to generate a multi-page odt document based on a template.
I've tried the subblocks but it fails...
The basic odt template is as follow:
[asb_sub1.#] [;] [asb_sub1.score;]
When I generate my document with that code only, no problem. Everything goes well.
The problem stands when I want to integrate the code to my real template.
In my real template, I put "[asb;block=begin;sub1=matches]" to the beginning of the document, I put "[asb_sub1.#] [;] [asb_sub1.score;]" in the middle.
In the end of the document "[asb;block=end] ".
I was really happy, I really thought it was gonna work but... unfortunately not. There's an error when opening my generated document.
Could somebody give me some help?
In fact, what I would like to do is to put my entire document between the [block=...] [block=...] but I don't know how.
Could somebody give me some advice please?
A big thank in advance.
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'm a frenchguy :-)!