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Bld? att(true) cannot recognise self-closing tag without space

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By: Sheepy
Date: 2014-04-25
Time: 07:10

Bld? att(true) cannot recognise self-closing tag without space

Tag can be self-closed without space, e.g. <input/>
(Ref: W3C HTML5 4th Feb 2014, Tag name state can directly switch to Self-closing start tag state when seeing '/')

But att / atttrue doesn't seem to like that...

$tbs = new clsTinyButStrong();
$tbs->Source  = '<input/> [onshow; att=input#autofocus; atttrue]';

Notice: Undefined property: clsTbsLocator::$AttName in tbs_class.php on line 1492.
TinyButStrong Error in field [onshow...]: parameter 'magnet=#' cannot be processed because the corresponding attribute is not found.

Add a space before '/>' solves all friendly reminders.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2014-04-26
Time: 02:18

Re: Bld? att(true) cannot recognise self-closing tag without space

Hi Sheepy,

Thanks again for your precious bug posts.

This bug is fixed now in the current beta version 3.9.1.