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Bug? "Undefined property: clsTbsLocator::$AttName" on two same att in same field

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By: Sheepy
Date: 2014-04-25
Time: 05:47

Bug? "Undefined property: clsTbsLocator::$AttName" on two same att in same field

Hi Skrol29,

Sorry to come up with another. >_<

I'm trying to say "Disable this field if either a or b is set".

$tbs = new clsTinyButStrong();
$tbs->Source  = '<input value="" /> [data.a; noerr; att=input#disabled; atttrue] [data.b; noerr; att=input#disabled; atttrue] ';
$tbs->MergeField( 'data', [ 'a' => 0, 'b' => 0 ] );

It gives me "Notice: Undefined property: clsTbsLocator::$AttName in tbs_class.php on line 1492".
The notice goes away if the two tag's att are different, or if I remove one of them, but stays if I keep both and move one or both tag before <input>.

I'm on TBS 3.9.0 for PHP 5, PHP version is 5.3 or 5.4.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2014-04-26
Time: 02:43

Re: Bug? "Undefined property: clsTbsLocator::$AttName" on two same att in same field

Hi Sheepy,

Thank you very much for your bug submitting.

This bug is now fixed in TBS 3.9.1-beta.

The beta is available in SourceForge.