Bug? att=+tag would exclude next <tag> from current merging.
If I use att=+tag to forward set a boolean attribute, that tag would have the attribute set (or unset) but other tbs tag in it would not be merged.
It merges ok if I use backward search instead.
$tbs = new clsTinyButStrong();
$tbs->Source = '[data.a; att=+input#disabled; atttrue] <input value="[data.a]" />';
$tbs->Source .= '<input value="[data.b]" /> [data.b; att=input#disabled; atttrue]';
$tbs->MergeField( 'data', [ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 1 ] );
$tbs->Show(); |
Result: both input are disabled, but first input has a value of [data.a] instead of 1, while second input shows 1 correctly.