By: Carey
Date: 2014-03-03
Time: 15:55
if - then and newline
I have two variables, AddressA and AddressB. I only want to show AddressB, with a newline, if it is not blank.
So far I have:
[AddressA][AddressB;if [val]!='';then '
' + [val]]
(intentional carriage return inside the second set of quotes)
But in the document it just shows "+ [val]" on a newline.
Any ideas how to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish?
By: Carey
Date: 2014-03-03
Time: 16:21
Re: if - then and newline
Found a workaround:
[AddressA][AddressB;if [val]!='';then '
That way it will only show the carriage return if AddressB is not blank, and then it shows AddressB (and if it's blank, it just stays blank)
By: Skrol29
Date: 2014-03-04
Time: 22:35
Re: if - then and newline
What is the nature of your template ? Text, Html, Docx, ...
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