Thanks for replying - your check revealed what I overlooked in my post above
This script is doing TBS CACHING of the template -- like this
$TBS->PlugIn(TBS_INSTALL, TBS_CACHE, $dir, $mask);
$TBS->Render = TBS_NOTHING ;
$template = "display_rss_filebuilder_template.html"; // this is the raw template file that is loaded into TBS->Source
$template_source = file_get_contents($template); //read html table (with TBS block code)
$TBS->Source = ""; // this line makes SURE TBS->Surce starts out EMPTY - IMPORTANT
$TBS->Source = $template_source; // load the template see Manual property Source
$TBS->LoadTemplate(null) ;
$TBS->MergeBlock('blk', 'array', 'merged' ); // try with th eraw data pre-sort
$TBS->PlugIn(TBS_CACHE, $cacheid, TBS_CACHENOW );
$TBS->Source=""; // this CLEARS THE TBS->Surce TO BE EMPTY - IMPORTANT
So technically there's no explicit LoadTemplate() -- which I completely overlooked ;)
Since these vars are needed inside
[blk.subject; ope=max:[onload.length_subject];maxend=''; noerr;]
I seems to me that the need to be substituted before the MergeBlock() - but I have no idea of how to do that other than the (missing) LoadTemplate()
If you/anyone has any ideas that mihgt point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated
Thanks for TBS every day,