By: hemocyanin
Date: 2013-12-05
Time: 06:08
Converting ODT tags to DOCX tagsI've been working with LibreOffice but I also want to make MSOffice templates.
the document tags I've been using are: text:p table:table-row (already found in another response: w:tr) table:table-cell I've been using these magnet, bmagnet, and block. First question, how should I translate the ODT tags to work with DOCX? Secondly, will magnet, block, and bmagnet continue to work as I've grown used to them working? e.g.: For ODTs I do stuff like this: [;magnet=text:p] [;block=table:table-row;bmagnet=table:table-row] Will I still be able to do the same in DOCX? |
By: hemocyanin
Date: 2013-12-05
Time: 19:08
Re: Converting ODT tags to DOCX tagsAnswered my own question by looking in the 1.8.1 version of the opentbs plugin. just search for tbs:p (i'm using 1.7.5) so the newer process described in manual doesn't work:
By: Skrol29
Date: 2013-12-06
Time: 00:00
Re: Converting ODT tags to DOCX tagsCan you detail what is not working?
By: hemocyanin
Date: 2013-12-06
Time: 00:13
Re: Converting ODT tags to DOCX tagsI'm using an older version of the plugin that predates the tbs:p type method (i.e., I use "text:p" for odt and "w:p" for office). The plugin works great, just meant that the newer method in which the plugin chooses the correct xml tag based on whether the document is odt or docx doesn't work for me, because I'm on an old version.