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LibreOffice footer not merging

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By: Ken Tanzer
Date: 2013-07-28
Time: 23:49

LibreOffice footer not merging

I'm trying to merge a set of variables with the MergeField command.  The substitutions are made in the body of the document, but they are not being applied in the footer.  Is there any special option or trick you have to do for substitutions in headers/footers?  Thanks in advance.
By: Skrol29
Date: 2013-07-31
Time: 11:19

Re: LibreOffice footer not merging

Hi Ken,

Header and footer contents are saved in the "sytles.xml" sub-file.
You can, load if using $TBS->LoadTemplate('#ytles.xml')

There is a synopis of LibreOffice documents in the OpenTBS package:
By: Ken Tanzer
Date: 2013-07-31
Time: 11:30

Re: LibreOffice footer not merging

Hi, and thanks for the response.  I've already done my best to figure this out with the documentation, but have a couple more questions, in this case about the LoadTemplate method.

In looking at the documentation ( , I don't see anything about loading sub-files.  Maybe it's just an omission, but if there's more documentation I'm missing please point me to it!

So I've been using LoadTemplate to load a writer document.  $TBS->LoadTemplate('my_doc.odt');

If I do that, does it not load the styles.xml by default?
And if I want to load the styles.xml, do I do $TBS->LoadTemplate('my_doc.odt#styles.xml'); ?
Do these then have to be merged separately, or is there some way to merge with content.xml and styles.xml in one fell swoop?

By: Skrol29
Date: 2013-07-31
Time: 11:38

Re: LibreOffice footer not merging

For OpenOffice and Ms Office documents, you are using a TBS plug-in: OpenTBS.
It gives more commands and features for merging zipped documents such as ODT, DOCX, ...

OpenTBS documentation is there: